He’s So Vain

It was 45 years ago that my husband Norm, came to Phoenix to work on a Rock Station as a DJ, doing the 7 to Midnight Shift.   Believe it or not, I was just an infant back then.

A couple week ago he found out that several of the DJs he worked with are holding a reunion here in Phoenix and all he can think about is how he looks.   Before long he will be asking about phentermine, as he has added a few more pounds since 1965.

Back in those days he drove a yellow Corvette and he loves to tell me the story about when Leslie Gore came to Phoenix and she insisted on riding in his yellow Corvette from the airport to the concert venue.(Don’t tell him I said this… but I don’t think he could get behind the wheel of a yellow Corvette today.   Remember… mums the word.)