13 Again

One of my beloved nieces is turning 13 this week.   So I ask myself, would I want to be 13 again?   No way!   I have no fond memories of that year.   I was in eighth grade and I did not like anything about myself or about school.   I’m not sure what happened when I was 13, but I think that’s when I got my ears pierced.   The only reason I got my ears pierced was so people would know I was a girl.   Yes, 13 was not a good year.

For my niece, however, I think she’s going to have a great year.   She’s intelligent and pretty and talented athletically.   She’s also a very nice young woman who is fun to be around.   I wonder what she would like for her birthday?   I know she enjoys texting all her friends.   A thermal printer like the tm-t88iv would come in handy for printing out all those text messages to put in her scrapbook.   Does anyone do scrapbook anymore?

Perhaps I should ponder this more.