They Grow up so Fast

Vacation story part four is all about my nieces.   The Spice Girls, as I like to refer to them, are growing up way too fast.   Last year I did not get to visit them until Christmas so it had been a whole year since I had seen them.   The oldest one will soon be 13 and looks like she is 16.   She’s becoming quite a young lady and is so smart as well as athletically talented.   She is a straight a student and before long she will be doing GMAT prep to prepare for college.   I have a feeling she’ll be going on scholarship.

The middle girl is 10 and is quite a lot of fun.   She was so excited about the things that she got for Christmas and was quite animated as she explained each and every gift and what it does and how she would use it.   Another very smart child as well as talented artistically.   She enjoys dancing and drawing and I think she is learning to play the guitar.

The baby of the family is five.   She is the lively one of the bunch.   She loves to sing and perform in front of an audience and is not shy about any of it.   She put on quite a show for us one afternoon when we were out with some friends.   It was all we could do to get her to stop because we had to leave the restaurant.   I think one day she will probably become famous as a performer both vocally and probably dramatically too.   I wish I lived closer to all of them.