Over the River to Grandma’s House

Vacation story part two has us visiting my only surviving grandmother.   Granny, as she is affectionately called by the entire family, actually lives over the river about 3 miles away from my parents’ place.   She lives in a small mobile home with the help of a lovely lady who comes in several days a week to assist her with personal care and housekeeping.   My uncle and my father take turns seeing to Granny’s needs and driving her to various appointments.   On the day Norm and I visited her, my uncle was there, so I got to visit him as well.

I’m never quite sure what the topic of conversation will be when visiting Granny or my uncle.   This time it was the current health care bill and concerns over what will become of one’s health insurance as well as the need for one to have a health savings account.

It seems we also discussed what was happening with various family members around the country.   My cousins live all over the country and so Granny becomes a wealth of information about what is going on with each one.   She’s got great grandchildren and I think perhaps a great, great grandchild somewhere as well.   Not everyone can say that these days.