Chatty Karen

Back in the day when the Internet was basically AOL and CompuServe I learned the fine art of Internet chatting.   Now, I must admit, that I’ve always been a chatty person to a certain extent.  That is to say that I enjoyed conversing with others even when I was quite young.   Back in the 1990’s when the Internet was just beginning to become a popular hangout, all we had was text chat.   You typed something and they typed something back.   AOL’s chat software was the standard, but a lot of people were using other things like IRC, Internet relay chat.   I never got into that.

Today chat has come along way.   There is Yahoo and MSN which provide interesting environments where you can create avatars and make all sorts of noise with the computer while you’re typing into the chat environment.

My favorite is Google video chat.   My mother and I use it quite a bit.   It reminds me of sci-fi shows I watched when I was a kid where people were using video phones.   When mom and I want to talk we just turn on the WebCams and we can see each other as well as hear each other.   It’s the next best thing to being there.

I just love technology!