Things I Missed Out On

Because of Facebook I have been able to reconnect with my high school classmates.   I haven’t seen them since graduation which was more than 25 years ago.   Most everyone I have reconnected with got married and had children and now many of them have grandchildren.   Well, I got married but never had children and thus I will never have grandchildren.   I’ve missed out on a lot of the joys of that part of life.   I got to send wedding announcements but I never got to send birth announcements.   I think that would’ve been fun.

About two years after Norm and I got married several of our friends at church were pregnant and I think I must’ve been slightly jealous because I had a weird dream one night.   I dreamt that I was pregnant and Norm and I were telling all of our friends the good news.   Everyone was so shocked, especially Norm when I told him about my dream the next morning.   He was even more shocked when I told him that in my dream it wasn’t a baby we were expecting.   It was a kitten.   Lately I’ve been thinking about getting a dog, specifically a Chihuahua.   Maybe someday I’ll get to send out announcements?