The Sirens

Ever have one of those days when you just want to go away?   I had one last week and all I wanted to do was get out of town.   Maybe go on one of those Vegas vacations?   Never been there, not sure if I ever will, but some days I think about it.   It’s kind of like those Sirens from The Odyssey.   Their call would make the sailors want to go off their course.

I haven’t been on a real vacation in so many years.   As a kid we used to go on vacation every summer and they were long road trips to visit relatives or go to destination locations.   I’m not sure really up to something like that anymore.   With the way the weather is lately I’ve been thinking it would be nice to go somewhere cool, but not cold.   I’d like to be with those I love in a beautiful environment.   Calgon take me away…