Not to Worry.

Hello once again from Scottsdale, Arizona.   I’m Karen’s husband.   Karen is over in California with her family and we talk several times a day via the phone.   I find that enjoyable, but no where near as nice as having us together in our little house.

With Karen out of town, you might think that I would be going out and doing all sorts of things that a husband normally doesn’t do when “the wife is at home”.   Well, that first of all isn’t me.   With or without her being here, I like staying home.   Also, and it’s a big factor, as to what I do, the van is with her.   Long story, think I mentioned it a couple days ago as to why she’s there and I here.   If you didn’t see the blog that I mentioned it on, take a minute and scroll back through The view from My Chair in the last five days.     Oh it’s so interesting.   Ho Hum!!

One thing that I consider a plus with Karen being away, I get to eat what I want.   And you’re not going to believe this, it’s very simple stuff, and you really aren’t going to believe this part, not very much at that.   I have ceral for the mornings.   Bread and cheese and other stuff for sandwhiches for lunch. And thanks to some friends, some soup along with the fish fillets that I had for dinner.   I have all that I need right here in the house.   Those who are caught in the holiday get togethers, hog feasts,   better keep in mind things like alli for a way to return to normal after a night of pumping it in.     I on the other hand will stay right here, happy as a Lark without it’s mate.     So Sad.