The Day After

OK, I don’t know about you but last night’s town hall meeting was rather depressing, not to mention boring and downright stupid at times!   Listening to it gave me a headache and made me start to think perhaps I should find more ways to cut spending at home since the government’s going to take more money from all of us if Obama is elected.   I wonder if taking diet pills would cut back on the food budget?   (Just a thought folks.)

And then blogger friend and fellow conservative, LaShawn Barber, found this gem of the video that not only brightens my day but gives hope that there are still smart people out there who really get it despite all of the indoctrination they have suffered under.   You’ve got to watch the entire thing.   Not only is it intelligent, it’s downright humorous!   I’ve always believed that true intelligence finds humor in the least likely of places.   Enjoy it and pass it on.


  1. Tracy
    Oct 8, 2008

    Wow! What an intelligent young man. Maybe there is hope for us after all……

  2. Richard
    Oct 9, 2008

    Wow! McCain should have him on stage at the next debate! Can you send me the URL via private email?

  3. Beverly
    Oct 28, 2008

    Amen I posted this guy too!