An open letter to Governor Sarah Palin

Dear Governor Palin,

You, madam, are doing an excellent job campaigning for the office of Vice President.   The way you handle yourself in TV interviews with people who look down their nose at you is inspirational.   Your speeches are inspiring and the knowledge you have about the key issues facing our country today shows up every time you talk.   It’s obvious that you draw your strength from God.   Otherwise how could you endure the endless and ridiculous attacks upon your character, your values, your faith and your family?   You handle yourself with grace and the confidence that comes from knowing your source of strength, not from hubris as was suggested by Mr. Gibson.

Andrea Mitchell was dead wrong when she said you would not appeal to highly educated women in this country.   I have a Masters degree, I’m the same age as you are and I think you are one of the most intelligent people I’ve heard in the political realm.   The fact that you do not let what others think of you stop you from doing what you know to be right gives me courage.   You are a credit to your gender.   What’s really terrific though is that you do not let your gender limit you.   You embrace all that God created you to be.

Keep up the good work and know that I am one of millions all over this country, and possibly around the world, who are praying for you.   We know that you are under a tremendous attack because of what you stand for and we are standing with you.

1 Comment

  1. Scott
    Sep 13, 2008

    I just think Sarah Palin is absolutely gorgeous! Oh yeah, and smart too! Shame she’s not a Democrat.