View from the Road

Interstate 8 between Gila Bend and Yuma, Arizona

Interstate 8 between Gila Bend and Yuma, Arizona

The gimp girl life can be filled with interesting challenges. Traveling out of town takes one out of the comfort zone of knowing where all the wheelchair accessible toilets are located. As you can see from the photo Norm took while we were driving toward San Diego through the Arizona desert, there are few facilities along the road. Fortunately we’ve traveled this road so many times that we know exactly where we can stop should I need a bathroom break. A bathroom at the Shell station on Fortuna Road in Yuma right along Interstate 8. Someday I hope to learn of other locations along our route because right now it’s the only place I know. That’s it, one bathroom that is set aside for a wheelchair user and his or her caregiver. You see, there are lots of places with one stall in the ladies room and one stall in the men’s room, but very few places with an entirely separate bathroom just for people like me who have a person of the opposite sex to help them. Can you imagine how difficult it is to decide if we should go into the men’s room or the ladies room? Just give it a thought for a few minutes — it’s an interesting challenge.