World’s Smallest Snake

Ever since I can remember I’ve been fascinated with miniatures. I like to add this one to my collection, but I don’t think he would survive too well.

click picture for story from Fox News


  1. pb
    Aug 4, 2008

    When I was a young adult, I lived in a woodsy area. My mother came to visit and we took a walk.

    Suddenly she froze and said “Snake!” in a panicked voice.

    Well, I looked and looked and looked and finally found a little fellow similar to yours only in black and yellow.

    Poor guy was frozen in his tracks, too!

    Strange stare down. I’ll never forget it.

    It’s good to have no unreasonable fear of snakes.

    Sometimes funny, too.

  2. ken
    Aug 12, 2008


  3. GrannyJ
    Aug 17, 2008

    I’d love to find a teeny snake like that on my back forty! I’ve never been particularly afraid of snakes, fortunately;they like it in one’s pockets (nice & warm).