Three is the charm.

Karen’s handsome husband, me , is back for a third and final time for the day.

There are days were I just like to sit in front of the computer and type my fingers off. Today is turning out to be one of those days.

Yesterday Karen and I went over to the house that my Mother lived in, now lived in by my brother, as he had asked us if we wanted a Hutch that our parents had owned. Karen and I said yes and with the help of a friend from church who owned a pick up, we brought it back here and put it in our dinning room. It’s old and it shows it’s age, but it’s like one of the family. My brother also let me have some etching of Mom’s. Now we have to figure where they will go. Maybe next to the hutch. We’ll see.

Since we were over at my Mothers, I came away thinking about her and some of the things that she had done during the last years of her life. I remember she would buy things off Television ads. Most of the time they were cooking items. One, a broiler, worked pretty well. I remember helping her load it with a chicken and helping her eat it when it was done. The chicken and the vegetables included with it, came out tasting pretty good

I also remember that she once bought a medical id. She had it for years It had personal medical information on it, just what she wanted. I think it made her feel safer when she was away from her house.