TV Junkie

Sometimes in the evening I’m just too tired to do much of anything except recline in my chair and watch TV. With the writers strike there hasn’t been a whole lot on except reruns and reality TV shows. Commercials sometimes are the most interesting things on TV.

The other day I got really enthralled with an infomercial on a hard floor steamer machine. We could really use one of those around here. Cooking shows are a lot of fun but the only problem is they make you hungry. Have you seen that infomercial for the express cooking machine? Don’t watch it on an empty stomach.

I like watching shows about home improvement, but sometimes it just makes me envy people with the money and the ability to remodel their homes. Of course if you’re going to watch home improvement shows you’ll need to watch those directbuy commercials so you can save money on your home improvement costs. Having watched their commercial several times I can tell you that it’s a members only show room and home design center. Kind of like Cosco for those who want to upscale their home improvement and furniture purchases without paying full retail prices.

The other night I watched In Her Shoes which was a really great movie. Not sure why I missed it when it hit the box office a few years ago. I have a feeling it’s going to be on my list of all-time favorite movies. In no particular order that list includes Enchanted April, The Best Years of Our Lives, The Quiet Man, You’ve Got Mail, Hunt for Red October, and probably a few more that I can’t think of off the top of my head right now. You’ve got to admit it’s quite an eclectic list.

TV shows I frequent include Jon & Kate Plus Eight, CSI Las Vegas, Law and Order Criminal Intent, Lost, NCIS, Back to You, Without a Trace, MI5, Numbers, Chimp Eden, What Not to Wear, The Dog Whisperer and reruns of Fraser. Occasionally I will watch Project Runway which freaks me out and entertains me at the same time.

What favorite movies or TV shows are on your list?