Giving Thanks

An attitude of gratitude makes life so much better. When I’m ungrateful I feel miserable, so I endeavor to live my life by giving thanks for what I have. As I read this week’s chapter in the devotional, “Living Each Day in Jesus’ Name”, it reminded me that as a follower of Jesus giving should be a priority in my life. Giving reminds me that God is the source of all I have.

Happy ThanksgivingMy life would not be the same without God’s presence and so I am grateful for his presence through the good and the bad, the easy and the hard times. God did not promise me all would be rosy, but he does promise to be with me as I go through life’s trials and tribulations. This year I have experienced his grace and his mercy through some difficult situations. Being on the other side of some of those difficult times I can look back and see how much I have learned to trust Him.

I give thanks for my husband who is my friend and lovingly cares for me. I give thanks for my family and my friends who have brought something special into my life. I am thankful for a home and food on the table.

I am thankful for the Internet and this blog and all the wonderful new friends I have made through it.

May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and may you find much in your life for which to be thankful.

1 Comment

  1. Scott
    Nov 22, 2007

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Norm!

    God bless.

    Scott Sands