Immigration Reform? Yeah Right!

I might as well tell you that I’m not happy with the “Immigration Reform” Bill proposed in the Senate.   Current laws dealing with illegal immigration are not being enforced, so why would we think that any new laws would be enforced?   Personally, I think they’re going about this whole comprehensive reform the wrong way.   It should not even be done comprehensively, but first our borders need to be secured and current laws need to be enforced.   This would go a long way in dealing with the problem at hand.

Congressman John Shadegg of Arizona has some good points as to why the current Senate bill should not be passed.

Here’s what he says on his website:

 First, while it requires that illegal aliens who want a probationary “Z-visa” undergo a background check, stunningly, it provides that if this background check is not completed within 24 hours, the illegal alien is to receive the visa regardless.

Second, the bill prohibits employers from using the newly created system to check whether or not a job applicant is legally in the country before offering the prospective employee a job. Rather, the employer may verify the potential employee’s status only after the employee has been hired. Even more bizarre, the bill prohibits an employer from firing or taking any other action detrimental to an employee when the employer receives notice that the employee is not lawfully in the country if the employee files an appeal. Such an appeal could take months or years. Employers trying to do the right thing are in a Catch-22.

Third, the bill treats illegals dramatically better than lawful guest workers. Illegal aliens who come forward may remain in the country forever, while guest workers who enter lawfully may only stay for a total of six years and must leave twice during this period for a year each time. Then they may never enter the country again in this status.

The bill will encourage anyone considering illegally entering the country to do so immediately to obtain these enhanced benefits. While the bill requires illegal aliens to prove that they were in the country before January 1, securing fraudulent documents or statements to support such a claim will be simple and will be enticing given the favorable status afforded to illegals.


  1. Janet D
    Jun 4, 2007

    We need this bill in America. There is a long way to go, but at least it’s something. Right now, employers don’t have a way to verify that a person is legal… and if they ask people who “look illegal” for further identification, then they’re sued for discrimination. Don’t punish the employers until there is a better way to make sure all employees are legal. I really don’t think most of us in America (who are working) want our employers to go out of business for these kind of mistakes. We need a working system.

    Regarding this part: “… the employer may verify the potential employee’s status only after the employee has been hired.” – that has nothing to do with the bill, IT’S THE LAW. Again, this is something that we are already living with in order to avoid discrimination lawsuits. Regardless of whether or not the immigration reform bill passes, we will still be living with this law. And Russell’s Pearces Legal Workers Act will not change it either.

    Our best shot at improving the system right now is the Immigration Reform bill in the US Senate. At least it addresses much of the border enforcement issues.

  2. Karen
    Jun 4, 2007

    I am glad to hear from someone in the states on the frontlines of this problem. However, it really is pervasive all over the country. I agree with you, Karen. Why in the world should we trust the lawmakers to enforce a new law when they can’t enforce (or don’t want to enforce) the laws already on the books! — for heaven’s sake!