Scottsdale’s Primary Election

This Tuesday, September 12, Norm and I will be casting our votes in the Republican primary here in Scottsdale. In reviewing the sample ballot we received in the mail, I’m going to make the following endorsements:

US Senator: Jon Kyle
U.S. Congress District 5: JD Hayworth
Arizona Governor: Len Munsil
State Representative District 17: Dan Gransinger and Laura Knaperek
State Mine Inspector: Joe Hart
The other candidates on the ballot are running unopposed for the Republican primary, and most of them don’t even have a website or any information that I can find on the Internet. That’s a shame.

Also, in Scottsdale we are voting on proposition 401 and I plan to vote yes. Proposition 401 has to do with updates to the city ordinance regulating the sex shop industry. The only reason it’s on the ballot is because the strip clubs, which happen to be in South Scottsdale, don’t like the updates made to the ordinance. I think it’s rather interesting that the people who own the sex clubs and make millions of dollars each year live in North Scottsdale. However, their clubs are located in South Scottsdale and the residents of South Scottsdale have to put up with the scumbags who visit such places. Yes, I think people who visit such places are scumbags. I think it’s degrading to women and that kind of business encourages a mindset and lifestyle of sexual violence towards women. It doesn’t matter to me that a woman owns one of the clubs, it is still degrading.

Well now you know how I plan to vote.