Wheelchair Seating Evaluation

Yesterday I had my wheelchair seating evaluation with a physical therapist at St. Joseph’s Hospital. It took about two hours and I was poked and prodded and measured from head to toe. She made me get out of my wheelchair, something I am not fond of doing, and get on the therapy table which is about 2 feet off the ground. This was so she could completely evaluate my physical structure. At least it wasn’t painful! This physical therapist knew her stuff and I was very impressed with her skills and experience.

After careful evaluation I have decided on a Quickie Rhythm manufactured by Sunrise Medical. It has all the latest bells and whistles and will enable me to not only tilt my seat, which I can do now, but also to elevate my seat 11 inches. For someone who is short and made even shorter because she sits in a wheelchair, being able to increase her height by 11 inches is an awesome prospect.

The next step in the process is a face-to-face meeting with my doctor to review the evaluation by the physical therapist. Then my doctor needs to write a prescription with details on my medical need for the specific wheelchair I want. The vendor I am working with, Southwest Medical Rehab, will take all the paperwork and submit it to my insurance company for review. That process will probably take about 45 days. Once everything is approved they will submit an order for the wheelchair. It should only take a couple of weeks after that.

Right now my biggest concerns are how much extra funding will be required beyond what my insurance company will pay. I won’t know that until after their review. My vendor will give me a report before we order the wheelchair. I will also need to have a new wheelchair restraint system installed in our van so I can be safely transported. Those devices are not cheap.

Perhaps I should hold a fund raiser or a telethon…


  1. Interested
    Jul 13, 2006

    Why not a BLOGAThon?

  2. Vanda
    Jul 14, 2006

    Wow Karen, I truly didn’t know you had to go through all of that. I’m learning something new here. Hope you don’t have to fork over to much dosh out of your pocket.

    Humpt!!:roll::roll: Bloglines isn’t showing that you’ve updated your blog. I came to visit today to leave you a message to see if you were ok. So glad you are.

    Hugs my friend.

  3. Gino J. Piazza
    Aug 7, 2006

    Hi, Karen. I would like to know your opinion of the Rhythm once you get it. I am thinking of ordering a Rhythm too. By the way, good luck with yours!


    Gino J. Piazza

  4. Tom Wilson
    Oct 5, 2006


    I’m going for this Rhythm but have seen no reviews! My problem: I need to be in a lying down position all the time, I am single but smart, I need to drive the chair lying down, and if the chair breaks down, I’m up a creek – someone must get me to a bed and then no way to poop if necessary. So, I have people in the same apartment units who help me. My current Jazzy with a Falcon seating system and my customization for keeping my legs raised and my heels not touching anything – it works, but the Falcon breaks down frequently. Of course, they won’t let you try out a chair for 30 days, so I need to know the scoop. Also, I’m getting power tilt + recline, I’m 6’5″, 210 lbs, 60 yrs, great shape, but losing strength after 18 months lying down and no way to exercise my legs due to pain. Please let me know what you think!

    Boulder, CO


  1. Graphic Design Blog - Wheelchair Seating Evaluation... [Source: The View from My Chair] quoted: Then my doctor needs to write a prescription with details…