I Voted Today…

I voted today sticker
…and I got this nifty little sticker. Three city Council members are running for reelection in Scottsdale along with one challenger on the ballot and a whole slew of others running as write-in candidates. It took all of three seconds to cast my ballot. The exciting thing about the whole experience was that this is the first time ever voters are required to show identification at the polls in Arizona because we passed Proposition 200 in November of 2004. It always bothered me whenever I would go to my neighborhood polling place and no one wanted to see my voter registration card or proof that I was who I claimed to be. All I needed to know was someone’s name and their street address in our neighborhood and then I could cast a ballot no questions asked. A lot of people don’t vote and so anyone could go vote in their place, but not anymore!

The rights of citizenship come with the responsibility of participation in the election process. I always vote even when there is hardly anything on the ballot. Since I began voting at the ripe old age of 18 I have never missed an opportunity to cast a ballot. Yes, that was me patting myself on my back!


  1. Doug
    Mar 31, 2006

    Hello Karen-I am glad that you voted, and that they now require identification. I came here through La Shawn’s blog.
    Have a great day.

  2. March Hare
    Apr 1, 2006

    Congratulations–you were mentioned today in LaShawn’s blog on voter ID!

    Whoo Hoo! (Plus props for voting!)