Things That Happen During the Night

lily petal eaten by catOur church sent us a lovely bouquet of flowers this week to offer their condolences for our loss. Each morning it was fun to see this beautiful orange lily slowly open day by day. On the day I expected to find it fully opened it was horrifying to see that someone had chewed off one of the flower petals. Norm insisted it was not him so we figured it must’ve been one of the cats. It wasn’t that way before we went to bed the night before, so during the night something happened. My oldest cat, Miss Ellie, would never do such a thing because she knows not to get on the table and she would rather catch birds than eat flowers. Now my other cat GG is totally interested in whatever is on the dining table and has been known to drink out of my water glass. I’ve prevented that from happening anymore by covering my glass with a piece of tinfoil. However, it seems that she could not resist the beautiful flowers. It’s been two days since it happened and she’s not shown any signs of being sick. I guess lilies are not poisonous. Silly cat!

1 Comment

  1. pb
    Feb 25, 2006

    My goodness, how cute is that? Bet Norm’s mom is having a good laugh at that one!

    I wonder if things like that happen to keep us a little more lighthearted than we would otherwise be.

    God bless.