Happy Birthday to Jack

Jack and KarenThough we are only 16 months apart in age and he has been taller than me ever since I can remember, he’s still my little brother. (This photo was taken last October when I was in San Diego.) Jack turns 40 today and I wish I could be with him. He’s giving the sermon this morning at my dad’s church in San Diego. Our dad has always expressed his love and appreciation for both my brother and me, which is what a father should do to nurture his children. This morning I think my dad has outdone himself with what he wrote in this Sunday’s bulletin for his church. I have copied it below:


I am sure all of you know by now, Jack Jr. turned 40 today so we want to wish him a happy birthday! While he is my son and therefore I could be accused of being a little prejudiced, yet I want everyone to know how proud Dixie and I are of him. Not because we are his parents or because we think he does everything right, but because we are seeing the development in him of traits that come, not from his earthly parents but, from his Heavenly Father. To be honest about it I am also proud of everyone of you when I see that development taking place in your life. It is an awesome thing to watch God change people — to see his hand in their lives. This is a process and each of us need to allow room in people’s lives for that development to take place. As a part of my philosophy of ministry you have heard me say that I believe God can clean His own fish. He does not need me to do His work for Him. He may use us in that work as an instrument of His grace but we must be certain it is Him, and not us, trying to tell others how to run their lives. It is delightful to see God changing lives. His change takes place as we come to know Him better. When we understand how much He loves us, how much He cares for us, it changes us. I can remember as a young man the respect I had for my own father. I know that I kept out of a lot of trouble because I did not want to hurt him. When I was in junior high I asked him if I could go some place I knew he would not want me to go — thinking that, when he said no, I would go anyway — I know you would never believe I was ever that way. Instead of saying no, he left the decision up to me. That blew me away but the decision was mine and I knew he was going to love me either way, even if I disappointed him. I have discovered the same in my relationship to my Heavenly Father. Today I try to make decisions that will not disappoint Him, but He loves me even when I make poor choices. He may be disappointed but He does not toss me out. He restores me. Thank you Jesus!
Blessings, Pastor Jack
BTW: I love you son!


  1. pastorjack
    Feb 20, 2006

    Guess I’ve made the big time! Thanks, daughter.
    Love Ya!

  2. 4girls4me
    Feb 27, 2006

    I can’t believe I didn’t say thanks. It’s always a joy knowing that you’ll always be older than me. BTW… you need to change your profile to 40+ now! 🙂