She Will Be Missed

MadeleineMadeleine, Norm’s mother, passed away early this morning. She was 92 years old and had lived a good life. She will be missed by us and all who knew her because she was a dear sweet lady. Norm and I are comforted with knowing that she is now with God and will be reunited with her husband who passed away over 40 years ago.

She was a good mother-in-law to me and a wonderful mother to Norm and his brother and sister. I have many fond memories of Madeleine and even now I can hear her laughter over one of Norm’s jokes. She had a good sense of humor and between her and Norm we were always finding something to laugh about. That’s a wonderful memory to have about someone.


  1. Vanda
    Feb 16, 2006

    Aww Karen and Norm I’m so sorry to hear such sad news. My deepest sympathies to you both.

  2. Teem
    Feb 16, 2006

    My sympathies Karen. May God strengthen you in this time.

  3. Colin
    Feb 17, 2006

    Her picture well-indicates what a great Lady she must have been. You were lucky to have her for as long as you did! 92 years is a good, long life! Temper your loss with the assurance of where she is now, and all of the great memories you have. Best wishes,

  4. March Hare
    Feb 17, 2006

    Eternal rest, grant unto her, O Lord,
    and perpetual light shine upon her.
    May she rest in peace.

    She sounds like a wonderful lady. My sympathy to you and Norm on your loss.

  5. pb
    Feb 18, 2006

    My condolences to you both.

    When we are so sadly bereft, it’s proof we were wonderfully blessed.

    She must have been a great lady.

  6. pastorjack
    Feb 18, 2006

    We have very fond memories of Madeleine, having first met her on a trip to Scottsdale to check out Norm’s digs before we were willing to let our daughter marry him! HA!! She was such a gracious and generous lady, that we figured that Norm could not be too bad with a mother this nice. It proved to be right! Her passing is our lose – her gain! It is not “goodbye”, only “so long, see ya later”. She had met Jesus by faith – now Face To Face, how awesome.