Pizza Pizza Update 2

Regular readers will remember my disappointment with finding good pizza in Scottsdale. See these posts for background information: Pizza Pizza and Pizza Pizza Update.

Chris, our server at Patsy Grimaldi's ScottsdaleI’m happy to report that Patsy Grimaldi’s Coal Brick Oven Pizza has successfully restored my faith in their wonderful pizza. This afternoon Norm and I dined as a guest of the restaurant operations director. Our meal was delicious! We started with a mixed green salad of romaine lettuce, oven roasted red peppers (on the side), red onion, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and vinaigrette dressing. Then we enjoyed a pizza with fresh mushrooms and extra mozzarella cheese. Norm had their iced tea and I had a Pepsi with lemon. Norm and Karen at Patsy Grimaldi's ScottsdaleChris, our server, did an excellent job and made our experience fun. We will definitely be returning to Patsy Grimaldi’s. Our only disappointment was that we did not get to meet Eric the operations director. Perhaps we will meet another time.

While enjoying our meal I reminisced with Norm about my early memories of pizza as a child. My family used to go to Pizza Hut quite a bit and I always had Pepsi with pizza and to this day it seems like the right combination. Back in the 70s Pizza Hut wasn’t too bad. Let me assure you that Patsy Grimaldi’s is far superior to Pizza Hut.

1 Comment

  1. Vanda
    Feb 2, 2006

    Mmmmmmmmmm Pizza. I miss having a good pizza place just around the corner. Pizza Hut is a 40 min drive for me and it’s ok, not as good as an American Pizza Hut. . But it’s the closet with somewhat decent pizza.