Happy Birthday Mozart!

Michelle Malkin has clued me and that it’s Wolfie’s birthday — 250 years — and I am celebrating it by listening to Mozart 250 Live from Salzburg, Austria on XM Classics satellite radio.

Most of you may be surprised to know that I listen to classical music quite a bit especially when I’m working on web sites. Something about classical music helps me to concentrate better on my work.

Yes, I know most of you are shocked to know that I don’t listen to country music all the time even though I live in the Southwest! My musical tastes fluctuate depending upon my mood. I enjoy a variety of styles of music other than classical including jazz, country and classic rock ‘n roll. When I’m not listening to classical music I usually listen to contemporary Christian artists on satellite radio XM 32 The Fish.


  1. pb
    Jan 28, 2006

    Hey. You guys don’t have the lock on Country. My inlaws have it on all day.

  2. Reb
    Jan 30, 2006

    We rotate radio stations in our office and listen to “The Fish” on Mondays and Fridays and a variety of country, classic rock and jazz in between. We don’t miss the commercials at all. Highly recommend “The Fish” to Contemporary Christian Music lovers.