Pizza Pizza

I’ve had this strange craving for pizza lately, which is surprising because I’m not a pizza fan. A couple weeks ago Norm and I decided to try the pizza at a restaurant new to us called Streets of New York. I looked them up online and decided they might have good pizza so we drove over to their restaurant and could not find a place to park because the parking lot was so small. As we drove around the building twice we noticed they had a drive up window and we could see inside the restaurant. It looked very small and cramped so we decided to go somewhere else as we don’t like to be in tight quarters.

Since I was still wanting pizza we went to a place we hadn’t been to in a while but we had enjoyed in the past. Patsy Grimaldi’s Coal Brick Oven Pizzeria, also from New York, is quite the swanky place in Old Town Scottsdale. Unfortunately we had the worst pizza I have ever eaten — it was soggy which is not something one wants in pizza. In the past their pizza was pretty good and something I enjoyed because I like thin and crispy crust. The waitress said that ordering fresh mushrooms is what caused our pizza to be soggy because they have so much water in them. It looked to me like it was really the sauce which was nothing more than smashed up tomatoes. More like salsa Fresca rather than pizza sauce. We also ordered a Caesar salad to share but it was no better than something we could have got from the grocery store in one of those convenience bags. A rather disappointing experience and one I would not recommend.

Last night we decided to try Streets of New York pizza by ordering on the phone and then going through their drive up window. It was easy enough but much to our dismay it was horrible pizza. They did not have tomato sauce — rather you could order barbecue sauce, Alfredo or pesto. We ordered the barbecue chicken pizza but it was not good. I don’t recommend that place either.

So here we are — 0 for 2 in satisfying my pizza craving. Any suggestions? Be warned that I do not like pepperoni, sausage or peppers and I am not a big fan of oregano. No wonder I don’t like pizza that much.

1 Comment

  1. Colin
    Dec 18, 2005

    The best thin crust pizza in the world is at Pudge Brothers, but you must convince them to open a Scottsdale shop!
    They are in Colorado and Seattle, at least.