And Now for a Musical Interlude

One of my favorite Christmas songs is O come, O come Emmanuel. I came to enjoy this song during my childhood. My grandmother gave us the Sunshine and Snowflakes Christmas album back in the mid-70s. The funny thing about it being from my grandmother is that she never approved of rock ‘n roll music but this album was full of 1970s style rock ‘n roll. To this day I think it was one of the best gifts she ever gave us. It became our family’s favorite album to play during Christmas. We wore out the album playing it so many times. It’s no longer available but thanks to the wonders of the Internet I came across a digital version on another blog called The Mad Philosopher. Cut number 1, A Sunshine Christmas Medley, is the one with O come, O come Emmanuel at the beginning part. I encourage you to listen and enjoy. Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus is another great one to hear. Enjoy!


  1. pb
    Dec 8, 2005

    My favorites would be the moodier ones. Particularly “Merry Little Christmas.” As I get older, I can cherish the sadder memories, and hope to find joy in the tiniest of happy moments each Christmas season presents. I think “muddle through somehow” says it all.

  2. Colin
    Dec 8, 2005

    That Happy Birthday Baby Jesus drives me nuts… When my sons were in grammar school at St. Rose in Paso Robles, CA, the kindergarten always sang that at the end of the Christmas pageant, and it ran around in your head for weeks!

    Nice wall paper, Karen.

  3. Karen of Scottsdale
    Dec 8, 2005

    Thanks Colin. 🙂

  4. cj
    Dec 9, 2005

    Thank you for sharing! Em & I are enjoying these! (Right now, as a matter of fact.)

    I also like your Christmas decorations.

    o/~ Wise men still adore Him… o/~

  5. Karen of Scottsdale
    Dec 9, 2005

    Yes, wise men still adore him! It’s sad to think that the person who put those MP3 files on his blog has renounced his Christian faith. I pray that he will come to a new understanding of Christ.