Observation Mix Mash!

Here’s a mix mash of my observations for today — in no particular order of course.

rocket trailsThis evening while looking to the western sky I saw what looked like the entrails of a rocket ship that were caught in the glow of the setting sun. It was absolutely stunning with its golden orange and red hues along with iridescent green. Awesome! (Photo from www.signosandiego.com )

The Apprentice: Martha Stewart — if I were Martha Stewart and I had all that money I would find somebody else to do my hair. I saw a few minutes of this new show and was totally annoyed by the fact that her hair kept getting in her eyes. During the scene in the “boardroom” her hair is in a different position every time the camera cuts to her. One minute it’s covering her eye and the next minute it looks like someone pulled it back with hairspray and then it changes back to covering her eye again.

If you ever visit San Diego don’t eat at Casa de Pico of Bazzar Del Mundo. It is a beautiful restaurant but the food is very bad and the busers stand around telling jokes in Spanish and laughing so loud they disturb your own conversations. Sorry, Mom, for dragging you there today.

Chuck Colson has cut to the chase again in this must read article regarding Deep Throat and Watergate entitled Machiavelli Morality. As he points out it’s unfortunate and ironic that the lesson learned from Watergate and Deep Throat is that the ends justify the means rather than the true lesson which is that no one is above the law.

And finally, here’s an atheist who is not bothered by the use of God in the Pledge of Allegiance. As he puts it, “Religion plays an important part in our politics and culture. A vast majority of people have some belief in god, and as an atheist, I don’t begrudge that belief. The end result of the ethics of religion largely overlap those of my own ethics of reason. They are rooted very differently, but in the end, they agree more than disagree.
The danger of removing god from political discourse is that, inevitably, god is replaced the the State. This was the whole point of Marxist atheism, and it is still the thrust of those leftists who would purge god from US politics.”


  1. gabriela22xiomara
    Sep 23, 2005

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  2. Teem
    Sep 23, 2005

    Lovely photo Karen.

  3. Karen of Scottsdale
    Sep 23, 2005

    Teem Thanks, but I cannot take credit for the photo. I have updated the post to indicate that the photo is from http://www.signonSanDiego.com which is the San Diego Union Tribune.

  4. NormB
    Sep 24, 2005

    Those entrails from the rocket could be seen here in Phoenix also. I didn’t see them but the local TV stations had many photos for their ten o’clock newscast.

  5. Colin
    Sep 25, 2005

    Contrails… Or am I being too picky?

  6. Karen of Scottsdale
    Sep 26, 2005

    Okay, Collin — contrails.