Sometimes you just gotta Laugh

My wonderful husband, Norm, has been home from the hospital for a week and a half. Today he had doctors appointments and tests to see how things are going. His MRI showed there has been improvement since they discovered the staph infection in the spinal column of his neck. Lab test results looked good as well. The only problem is that the nursing service assigned to help him with his IV antibiotics was so incompetent that they did not program the machines properly and he could not stand to have them in the house because they wore such heavy perfume. When the machine failed twice on Friday they gave up and said it was all his fault. He went without medication until last night when a different nursing service came over to help. This nurse was very nice and said that the other nurses had incorrectly programmed his IV pump. Unfortunately nursing agencies are so short staffed that they cannot commit to a daily visit for the next two weeks which is how long he will need to continue the medication. So, his doctor called him this evening and said you have to come back to the hospital so we can manage your IV medications until we can find an available nurse to visit at home.

That’s right, Norm is back in the hospital. Norm told me that all he could do was laugh. So I cried for a minute — mainly because I wished I could hug Norm at that very moment — and then I laughed too. I’m praying he will only be in the hospital for one night and that tomorrow they will have good news regarding a reliable and competent nursing service.


  1. Vanda
    Sep 15, 2005

    Karen, so sorry to hear about your hubby. Hope he is only in the hospital a short while. It’s great you can keep in such good humor about it;-)

    Weather here today is rain, cool, dark and yucky. Bet you have better weather in SD then I do LOL.

    Hugs and keep your spirits up.

  2. Teem
    Sep 15, 2005

    I am continuing to pray for you and Norm. Press on!

  3. Pat Baker
    Sep 16, 2005

    Back in our prayers again! And we’ll keep it up until God gets sick of hearing from us all.