My View of the Blogosphere

For some reason I can’t get my head around writing anything on my blog lately. So here is my view of other blogs.

Call Me Teem, a Canadian blogger friend, has begun blogging for the persecuted Church.

Pat’s Pond is making zucchini bread today. Sounds yummy.

SarahK of Mountaineer Musings, also known as my blog mother, has a brain full of mush today and is blogging like crazy since she quit her job.

Interruption of list — I’m listening to music on my mother’s compact stereo CD player which used to be mine when I was in college. I think it’s time for Mom to get a new stereo because this CD player keeps sticking and it’s driving me crazy. Too bad nobody is home right now to make it stop. Oh, it just fixed itself, what a relief! Now back to the list.

I read an interesting post today at The Mad Tea Party. Apparently the March Hare had an interesting, although unwanted, conversation with her son on the subject of gay marriage. I immediately directed her to this timely post entitled “10 Lies Gay Activists Desparately Want You to Believe about Marriage” at D. L. Foster’s Perspectives in Motion.

Finally, the Songstress at News from the Great Beyond has started her own Blogger Fit Club with the goal of weight loss and fitness. I say good for you and do your best!

1 Comment

  1. Teem
    Sep 15, 2005

    Thanks for the mention. It is much appreciated.