Good news!

Norm is out of surgery and the report is good. What they thought was a tumor turned out to be infected tissue around the spinal column in his neck. They removed a small part of the back of the vertebrae near the infection so they could treat the tissue. They’ve put him on antibiotics and I should be able to talk to him later this evening. I am so thankful and praise God for his hand of protection and grace upon Norm and myself. He may be going home in a couple of days. I will keep you posted. Thank you for your prayers and your kind notes of encouragement. I will remain in San Diego until he is fully recovered.


  1. gam
    Aug 25, 2005

    Glad to hear the good news. I’m keeping him in my thoughts for a speedy recovery and that you are both together agian soon. Hugs to you both.

  2. Pat Baker
    Aug 25, 2005

    It makes me tear up to imagine the relief you must feel! Our prayers continue, in hopes of getting you over this hump. If Norm feels creepy, it’s all the prayers washing over him!

  3. March Hare
    Aug 26, 2005

    Hurray! I’m glad all went well. May God continue to hold you and Norm in the palm of His hand until all is back to “normal.”


  4. gam
    Aug 26, 2005

    Greetings from Enland on Friday 26th of August.

    I hope Norm is feeling a little better today and the doctors have the pain under control.

    Sending hugs to you both. Keeping both of you in my thought.