My Husband

I spent Thursday night at the hospital with my husband Norm. He is in intensive care cardiac unit because of chest pains and difficulty breathing. Their running tests and he’s doing OK. I got home around five o’clock this morning and was able to get a few hours of sleep. My parents are here from California to help me. I’d appreciate your prayers.


  1. gam
    Aug 12, 2005

    Keeping your hubby and you in my thoughts.



  2. Thomas More
    Aug 13, 2005

    Just got back from two days with my stepfather in the hospital – he had back surgery.

    Thinking good thoughts for you and your husband.

  3. songstress7
    Aug 14, 2005

    You’ve got ’em, Karen.

  4. Teem
    Aug 15, 2005

    You have my prayers.

  5. Jenny
    Aug 16, 2005

    you will be in my prayers too Karen,