Does a wheelchair make a person nonhuman?

Have you heard of the new documentary called Murderball? It’s a film about men who play quadriplagic rugby. For those unfamiliar, quad rugby is similar to wheelchair basketball. Guys who play those sports are some tough dudes! I have not seen the film but I found this review of the film and nearly fell out of my chair when I read this quote by the reviewer:

“The highlight of the film is how it manages to humanize these athletes for us.”

This makes me laugh. I have never felt nonhuman because of my wheelchair and I have never sensed that others view me that way. I’m not dissing this reviewer but I just wonder if there are any people out there who see someone in a chair and see a cantalope instead of a person? Anyone care to comment? 😉

At August 05, 2005 10:40 AM, Garrett O’Hara said…
Makes somebody unhuman? That’s only if somebody’s idea of “human” is merely physical, and unfortunately, such people do exist.

At August 08, 2005 6:18 PM, Thomas More said…
I was going to comment, but I think the commenter on the site you linked to said what I was going to say, and said it well. In many situations, people often view other people as symbols, and not as individuals. It’s got nothing to do with being “non-human.” But I think you knew that.


  1. Garrett O'Hara
    Aug 5, 2005

    Makes somebody unhuman? That’s only if somebody’s idea of “human” is merely physical, and unfortunately, such people do exist.

  2. Thomas More
    Aug 8, 2005

    I was going to comment, but I think the commenter on the site you linked to said what I was going to say, and said it well. In many situations, people often view other people as symbols, and not as individuals. It’s got nothing to do with being “non-human.” But I think you knew that.