You Never Know Who Lives in Your Neighborhood

The doorbell rang as I was working at my computer. Norm was in the back of the house and didn’t hear the doorbell so I answered the door myself. I pushed the button on my door opener and the door opened. There was a very tall man standing at my front door. My first thought was he was a salesman but I was wrong.

He said, “Hello ma’am, how are you today?” Before I could answer he continued, “My name is Thomas Smith* and I’m with the Federal Investigative Service.”

I must’ve looked a little stunned because then he said, “Here is my badge and identification.” And he showed me what looked like a very official gold shield and photographic ID card that read “Federal Investigative Service.”

I think I said, “hello,” and then, “oh?”

The badge and identity card looked real so my next thought was I must have said something on my blog about Senator McCain that got me in trouble. Wrong again. Before I could say anything he preceded.

“I’m doing a background check on one of your neighbors — William Avery*.”

“Oh, I never heard of him,” I responded.

“He rented a room from your neighbor across the street last year.”

“Yes, I remember seeing that another man lived there besides Bill*, the owner, and is girlfriend Jennifer*, but I didn’t know his name and I never spoke to him.”

“Mr. Avery is a Native American man, about 5’10” tall, with dark short hair and a muscular build.”

“Oh yes,” I replied, “that describes the man that I saw there, but I have not seen him around here for several months. In fact I think there is a new roommate there now.”

By this time Norm comes to the door and I fill him in on the conversation. He also says to the investigator that he did not know that man.

“What’s he done?” Norm and I say together.

“He’s in the military and he’s being considered for a special position for which we are required to do a background check. I’m in the neighborhood because I have to check on all his places of residence.”

“Sorry we can’t help you,” I say.

Norm decides that it’s time for one of his off-the-wall remarks — “I’m in the service myself, and I’ve just returned from Cuba.”

The man laughs and then he says, “I’ve just returned from Cuba myself. Thank you for your time. I think I’ll go and talk to one of your other neighbors.”

We say goodbye and then we shut the door. I say to Norm, “I think he really did just come from Cuba — he is a federal investigator. I wonder if he’s been to club Gitmo?”

It’s kind of exciting knowing that somebody who used to live across the street from me is now in the military and being considered for a “special position.” A position that requires a background check must be something important and perhaps requires a special security clearance. I pray that God will be with that man and protect him from evil as he serves our nation.

*All names were changed to secure their identities in case they are serving as undercover agents. Unlike news reporters I take such things seriously.

At July 03, 2005 11:36 PM, malachii said…
You sure live an exciting life over there Karen.

At July 05, 2005 5:47 PM, sarahk said…
did norm really just return from cuba?

At July 05, 2005 6:04 PM, Karen of Scottsdale said…
As far as I know Norm has never been to Cuba (but he doesn’t tell me everything especially about his life in the CIA). He’s very good at pulling some leg now and then!


  1. malachii
    Jul 3, 2005

    You sure live an exciting life over there Karen.

  2. sarahk
    Jul 5, 2005

    did norm really just return from cuba?

  3. Karen of Scottsdale
    Jul 5, 2005

    As far as I know Norm has never been to Cuba (but he doesn’t tell me everything especially about his life in the CIA). He’s very good at pulling some leg now and then!