Political Humor

Rosie O’Donnell (a female version of Dean) was supposed to appear on the Sean Hannity show today because she blasted all over Sean while he appeared on “The View” yesterday. How kind of Sean to invite her on his show after the way she screamed at him during his interview. This afternoon Sean announced that Rosie had canceled her appearance on his show. He wants to give her the benefit of the doubt as to why she canceled, but I think something else is going on. Howard Dean calls Rosie O’Donnell and tells her that he is the only one allowed to scream and rant and rave and make a big fool of himself by putting his foot in his mouth on behalf of liberal Democrats. How dare she try and take over his job. Of course she is obligated to cancel her appearance on the Sean Hannity show.

By the way, the reason why Howard Dean got elected to the chair of the DNC is simply because of Liberal’s misuse of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Howard Dean gets a job because he is mentally and emotionally disabled, i.e., anger management issues. I use a wheelchair, am a conservative Christian white girl with an MBA and I can’t get a job! Again an example of Liberals misuse of the ADA. I’m rolling off the soapbox now.

At June 09, 2005 11:01 PM, Norm – the Husband said…
Woman, you have a job….Keeping this almost 62 year old man on the straight and narrow…..

At June 10, 2005 11:12 AM, Pastor Jack, Sr. said…
Have been out of town so have not been able to keep up. Caught up today. Great stuff!!!


  1. Norm - the Husband
    Jun 9, 2005

    Woman, you have a job….Keeping this almost 62 year old man on the straight and narrow…..

  2. Pastor Jack, Sr.
    Jun 10, 2005

    Have been out of town so have not been able to keep up. Caught up today. Great stuff!!!