In a San Diego State of Mind

(cue music: Billy Joel singing “In a New York State of Mind”…)

San Diego is a place I think about often.   My parents live there, my brother and his family live there, as well as a whole host of extended relatives and good friends.   Part of my heart is there although my home is here with Norm and so much of my heart is here too.   I try not to think about wanting to go visit until I know we are ready do it.   Lately that’s been difficult though because it seems like everyone I talk to is planning a trip to San Diego.

Thursday evening I got together with four other lady friends, three of whom I have not seen in several months.   One of them shared with me that her son will be doing his residency at UCSD Medical Center and she is so excited because it will mean they can visit him on weekends.   I wonder what San Diego hotel they like to stay at?

Then today while at lunch with friends after church, they shared with me plans for a weekend getaway to Southern California, including San Diego.   So, no matter how hard I try I just can’t seem to get away from thinking about visiting San Diego.   I must admit it’s the only place I go when I leave home.