Republican Candidate Gransinger – District 17

via e-mail press release:

(Scottsdale, AZ)-Dan Gransinger Rph., Republican candidate for State Representative filed 491 qualifying signatures with the Secretary of State on 5/22/2006. This number easily surpasses the needed 280 by 43%.

He also filed for Clean Elections funding on 5/22/2006 and qualified for funding on 5/30/2006.

This makes Dan Gransinger the first Republican candidate from District 17 to qualify for the ballot and Clean Elections funding. “The people of District 17 haven spoken loud and clear on who they want to represent their values,” said Gransinger, who added, “This has been a total grassroots effort that has been gaining momentum since day 1!”

“I look forward to both September 12th and November 7th.”