The Memorial Service

Madeleine circa 1930Madeleine’s memorial service was last Thursday. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church provided a wonderful service to honor her. The hand bell choir played beautifully in her memory because she gave their first set of bells. Madeleine attended the church for 30 years and was remembered as someone who had the gift of hospitality and expressed her love for God, her family and her neighbors.

Norm and I are so appreciative of her church family because they visited her often during the last four years while she was unable to attend church. Someone brought her communion on a regular basis and many others came to see her just to visit and catch up on happenings at the church. It meant so much to Madeleine because the church community was a big part of her life. Every week prior to her accident, she was at the church office organizing a group of men and women who folded the bulletins in preparation for Sunday services. She was active in her ECW group and utilized every opportunity to participate in bazaars and teas and church suppers and other opportunities for fellowship and community service. Her love of music inspired her to be a part of the music ministry at St. Barnabas. I don’t know if she ever sang in the choir, but she was a dear friend and ardent supporter of the organist and choir master.

This photograph does not have a date, but I estimate that it was probably taken in the late 1920s or early 1930s. I think it’s a beautiful photograph of Madeleine that captures her spark of playfulness and good sense of humor. Norm and I miss our laughs we had with Madeleine.

previous posts:
She Will Be Missed
The Visitation