So Now I’m an Expert

This morning I received the following e-mail from ExpatEgghead (an Anglo-Saxon Brit married to an Israeli living in the Holy Land):

My blog was tagged for the ‘Meme of Four’ and my co-blogger took up
the slack. I was uncertain what the term really meant so I googled for it and your blog came number 3 out of 5,240,000 using the search term ‘meme of four’. As a now appointed expert site on the subject could I ask for a few tips please?



After I finished laughing at the thought of me being an expert on this subject here is what I wrote in reply:


Nice to meet you. So now I’m an expert on the subject? That’s funny. Here’s a post I wrote on “What Is a Meme?” to answer my mother’s inquiry. (Mom doesn’t blog but she reads mine faithfully.) Actually, I’ve only responded to two memes since I started blogging back in April 2005. I must admit that I had to look up the term meme on Google myself in order to know what it means.

The only reason why I participated is because I was tagged by a fellow blogger whom I admire and I did not want to disappoint her. However, once I looked at the “Meme of Four” it intrigued me enough that I wanted to respond. It is rather strange though that this “Meme of Four” seems to have made itself quite popular in the world of blogs because I am reading it on so many blogs that have no correlation with each other in terms of type of blogger or blog content.

The fascination with memes is that it is flattering to think that others want to know more about you. Isn’t that why we all blog to begin with? A desire to be known and to know. I think that’s what these meme games are all about.

You asked for tips on dealing with memes so my response is this — have fun with it.

Warm Regards,
Karen of Scottsdale

Blogging is so much fun and you get to meet the most interesting people!