Techie Stuff

In case you haven’t noticed, for some unexplained reason my site feed has not been operating properly. I didn’t realize what was not happening until a few days ago. When it comes to my web sites and especially my blog, I like to do it myself, mainly because I’m cheap economical. I mulled over the possible reasons for the malfunction and narrowed it down to something to do with the fact that I recently changed web hosting providers.* I have been perplexed as to how to solve the problem because I really don’t know a lot about site feeds, and everything I had tried thus far had not worked. Well tonight I had a breakthrough and it is working now. Chalk it up to watching CSI: Miami — apparently it honed my detective skills and I was able to fix it. Also, if you want to subscribe to my feed, I recommend BlogLines. Now would be a good time to subscribe so you’ll know when I update my site and continue my Internet dating stories.

*My new web hosting provider, DreamHost, did not cause the problem. If you are looking for a great, low-cost hosting service, I suggest you give DreamHost a try. (I get referral money if you do!) — How’s that for disclosure?