It’s Norm’s Birthday!

To celebrate his special day I took my husband out for lunch yesterday and today. We went to Charleston’s, one of our favorite restaurants in Scottsdale, and Norm indulged in his favorite dessert — bread pudding! We told the waitress it was Norm’s birthday so she should put a candle on his pudding. I sang “happy birthday” to him and he blew out the candle. Later when the waitress brought our bill she said that dessert was on the house. We were not expecting that but really I’m not surprised because we go there so often and they are quick to show their appreciation of our patronage.

Today, I took Norm out for lunch again but this time we went to Rock Bottom, another one of our favorites in Scottsdale. When we finished our meal our waiter gave us a business card with a handwritten note on it from the stranger who bought our lunch. The waiter pointed out this wonderful person who turned out to be a salesman at VMI. VMI makes wheelchair accessible vans and this man noticed that we were driving a van from a different company so he wanted to let us know he would be happy to sell us a van from VMI when we are ready to buy a new one. Norm and I went over and introduced ourselves and told him that it was Norm’s birthday. Everyone at the table thought it was pretty cool. So did we!

It always amazes me the way God provides the unexpected things for us. You see, we’ve been having a hard time financially this year but somehow we have survived. Today we got a free lunch and yesterday Norm got a free dessert. My birthday is in October so I can’t wait to see what God is going to do then.